Smart kids


Smart Kids







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Welcome to SmaKi

In fall 2024, the first protected children’s learning platform exclusively for 7 – 14-year-olds with an online children’s flea market, digital wallet, academy and unique rewards will be launched.

“Don’t waste anything, reuse it”

… you learn according to this principle:

// independently

dealing with digital pocket money

the value of your things

// you
behave on the Internet

Safety first

Protective measures & parental control functions

And all this in a colorful, creative and fun world with lots to create and discover!

We are the SmaKis

“Together with your parents, we will accompany you on your digital independence adventure- practice thatyou need for life and don’t learn at school.”


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There are an infinite number of us that you can discover, collect and love.

to SmaKigram

SmaKi - erster Online-Kinderflohmarkt


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Slothy Trader

B-Day: 10.04.2011
Place of residence: San Jose, Costa Rica
Hobby: likes listening to Nina Chuba

“Selling is cool, I’ll show you how it’s done!”
SmaKi Digitale Geldbörse für den Kinderflohmarkt


click me

Benny Money

B-Day: 15.02.2009
Place of residence: Zurich, Switzerland
Hobby: loves his calculator app

“Being good with money is worth its weight in gold, let me explain why!”
Nachhaltigkeitserziehung auf SmaKi-Kinderflohmarkt und Akademie

Learning SmaKi

click me

Kai Klärifant

B-Day: 03.09.2013
Place of residence: Bilbao, Spain
Hobby: trunk breakdance

“Knowledge is your ticket to the future, I’ll teach you!”
SmaKi: sicherer Online-Kinderflohmarkt unter Elternkontrolle


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Paulinchen & Papa Checker

B-Day: 22.10.2016
Place of residence: Berlin, Germany
Hobby: likes to romp and do gymnastics

“Being independent is mega, dad accompanies me!”
SmaKi - erster geschützter Online-Marktplatz für Kinder mit Belohnungen.

Magic SmaKi

click me

Mimi Magic

B-Day: 10.04.2015
Place of residence: Aachen, Germany
Hobby: Gourmet food

“Taking part is fun, I reward you for your success!”

Find out more about each individual SmaKi and discover
infinitely many
from us on SmaKigram.

to SmaKigram

SmaKi-Flea market

Have you ever thought about why
Clearing out your room
is cool?

The SmaKi children’s flea market opens every weekend. You can sell your items there yourself: in your neighborhood, in your city or even throughout Germany. GJust like your parents on Kleinanzeigen, Ebay or Vinted.

You can use it to earn your own digital pocket money and buy things from other children at the SmaKi children’s flea market.

Sales-SmaKi “I’ll help you take cool pictures, write great texts, create suitable prices and pay attention to all the things that are important when posting articles.” Slothy Trader

Sales-SmaKi “I’ll help you take cool pictures, write great texts, make the right prices and pay attention to everything that’s important when posting articles.” Slothy Trader

You earn SmaKi points with your sustainable trade in used items.

Why? Becauseyou make sure that your things are reused and don’t end up in the trash.

For parents As parents, you can keep an eye on everything and decide exactly what you want to release at the children’s flea market. Find out more in the parents’ area.
Click here

// You are not only helping the environment, but also learn how to handle digital money! //


Have you
already had
a digital wallet?

In your SmaKi wallet you can see what you have earned and spent in the children’s flea market and how much money is currently available on SmaKi.

This way you learn how much your things cost and what you can buy with the money you earn. Or how much you would have to save for things you really want.

Money-SmaKi “I am your money SmaKi and help you to manage your money in your SmaKi wallet. I’ll keep you up to date with all your income and expenditure and the deposits and withdrawals your parents can make for you.” Benny Money

Money-SmaKi “I am your money SmaKi and help you to manage your money in your SmaKi wallet. I’ll keep you up to date with all your income and expenditure and the deposits and withdrawals your parents can make for you.” Benny Money

And if you receive money from Grandpa and Grandma for your birthday, your parents can pay the amount into your SmaKi wallet and add it to your balance. In the same way, if you want to buy something in a store, your parents can pay out the amount from your SmaKi wallet. 

// And there are many more exciting things to discover! //


Have you ever wondered what
artificial intelligence
How to pay in internet, what climate change means or what you want to be when you grow up?

In the SmaKi Academy you will find new, exciting content every week. You learn howhow you can help the environment, the importance of money in our lives and how the internet is changing the world. And we’ll show you what you can do and become when you graduate.

Learning SmaKi “I am your learning SmaKi and every week I provide new exciting stories, tips and tricks from kids for kids, video documentaries, interviews and cool quizzes. You get SmaKi points for every correct answer.” Kai Klärifant

Learning SmaKi “I am your learning SmaKi and every week I provide new exciting stories, tips and tricks from kids for kids, video documentaries, interviews and cool quizzes. You get SmaKi points for every correct answer.” Kai Klärifant

Collect SmaKi points while learning, which will bring you closer to your next reward.

You can also tell the SmaKis how you like the stories and which topics you would like to learn more about.

// And all this in a safe space for children! //


What does SmaKi do
for you and your parents?

With SmaKi-Control, your parents can support and accompany you on your digital SmaKi journey. At a central location, they set rules for your expenses and can check and approve your purchases and sales at the children’s flea market. They can decide whether you can put your items up for collection or post them and they can read your chat messages.

Watchout-SmaKi “I am your Watchout SmaKi and will give you and your parents helpful advice. If you post an article, I will let your parents know so that they can check and approve your article. Each time you get better, changes become fewer. You become more independent and your parents gain valuable time.”
Paulinchen & Papa Checker

Watchout-SmaKi “I am your protector SmaKi and will give you and your parents helpful advice. If you post an article, I will let your parents know so that they can check and approve your article. Each time you get better, changes become fewer. You become more independent and your parents gain valuable time.”
Paulinchen & Papa Checker

With SmaKi security, you are always protected on your digital adventure. This includes checking the identity documents of all parents and children. Your parents create a SmaKi profile for you with a SmaKi avatar and name, which you can change at any time. So you are not on SmaKi with your real picture and name. SmaKi safety also ensures that you only see things and content that are intended for your age and that only children are on SmaKi. If you or your parents notice anything strange, you can report it to the Protector-Smaki at any time. SmaKi also protects all your data to the highest standard.

Find out more on the parents’ page

// And now it’s time for the rewards! //


What do you get for your earned
SmaKi points

Saving sensibly You can see your SmaKi score at any time. Great rewards await you if you achieve certain scores. These can be new SmaKi avatars or be cool additional functions that are unlocked especially for you. Or vouchers for Indoor playgrounds, climbing parks and invitations to very special SmaKi events in your city.

Magic SmaKi “I am your magic SmaKi. As soon as you have reached a certain number of SmaKi points, I will show you which reward you can redeem your points for or how you can save them for a bigger reward.”
Mimi Magic

Magic SmaKi “I am your magic SmaKi. As soon as you have reached a certain number of SmaKi points, I will show you which reward you can redeem your points for or how you can save them for a bigger reward.”
Mimi Magic

How to collect SmaKi-points

Flea market

Sustainable action

For selling and buying used items.

Stock exchange

Saving sensibly

For creating piggy banks and reaching your savings goal.

SmaKi Academy


For every correct quiz answer in the Academy.

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